Google Celebrates 25 Years of Innovation and History

In the ever-evolving landscape of the internet, there are few names as influential as Google. This tech giant, which began its journey as a research project, has now reached a remarkable milestone – 25 years of shaping the digital world. To commemorate this beautiful occasion, Google has shared a celebratory doodle, reminding us of the early beginings of the tool that helps us grow our business and pick a dinner recipe.
One of the most endearing traditions Google has maintained throughout its journey is the creation of doodles – those imaginative and often interactive variations of the Google logo that appear on the search engine’s homepage to celebrate holidays, historical events, and noteworthy anniversaries. The Google Doodle for its 25th anniversary is a colorful and dynamic tribute to its past, and present.

Image source – Google Blog
Twenty years ago, all I ever wanted was a GPS device for pedestrians to navigate my city and avoid getting lost. Google made that wish come true sooner than expected.
And while the search experience is not what we wished for, or needed, it serves the vast majority of people and it is an indispensable tool for everything we do on a daily basis.
Don’t believe me? Just google it!